horizontal foam pump is designed for the processing of thick foam. the design includes a unique model of the inlet pipe and the working wheels which ensure successful operation where it can't do other pumps.
впускное hole larger diameter and unique guide blade working wheels easy process and foam and sludges of high viscosity. a series of horizontal foam pumps has been proven to be effective in перекачивании skimming very high density, viscosity which allows the use of standard submersible sludge pumps.
features / benefits
the (injection)
2 - 14 inches
50 - 350 mm
up to 14000 gallons per minute
to 3 150 m3 / hour
pump pressure
up to 120 feet
to 37 m
up to 150 pounds per square. inch
before 1 725 kpa
the advantages of
a structure with a стяжными bolt provides a simple maintenance and less downtime
the shell of the cast iron with full футеровкой guarantees the durability, reliability and long service life
high-efficiency slowly rotating working wheels of large diameter can maximize the service life of equipment and reduce the overall operating costs
big open internal channels to reduce the flow speed, thereby increasing the service life of the equipment and reducing maintenance costs
a unique model of the wheel for processing foam in the most difficult conditions
fat эластомерная or metal футеровка with болтовым would provide excellent corrosion resistant characteristics. this makes it easy to replace the eroding футеровку and provides interoperability by reducing the cost of maintenance and prolonging the service life
the minimum axis shaft / working wheels reduces the saddle shaft and increases the service life of the сальникового
the bearing allows for the maintenance of clean environment without dismantling, which ensures the reliable work and long service life of bearings
in the list of additional equipment, the standard model horizontal foam pump includes a casing, a working wheel and the front бронедиск
низкоскоростной промывочный flow or бессмазочное centrifugal sealing minimizes the consumption of water and reduces maintenance costs
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Centrifugal pumps from a single manufacture. Pumps for industrial use as well as for the machine tool industry.
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Supplies pond pumps, water pumps, submersible water fountain pumps, wholesale sump and chemical pumps, aquarium pumps, sewage waste water pumps.
horizontal foam pump
fully lined pump fully pump large pumps with a maximum pressure, equipped with , intended for use in environments requiring high security, long service life and the reliability of the equipment....